Trailer mechanic
Polvik Sp.z.o.o. (registration number 11310) is a part of the Danish company with its headquarters in Denmark. We help to find a good job in Scandinavian countries: Finland, Norway, Sweden and Denmark, England and Germany.
For its client, Polvik Sp.z.o.o is looking for mechanics of trucks and trailers for the workshops in Denmark, Sweden and Germany.
Our Offer:
-Employment based on a Danish contract or a possibility of self-employment
-Salary from 13 EURO (gross) per hour
-Possibility of development and long-lasting cooperation
-Minimum 40 hours work per week, a possibility to work overtime
-we organise accommodation at a workplace
Our consultants offer:
-help with formalities regarding work
-taking care of the candidate before departure and during the employment period
-communicative knowledge of English or German – a necessary condition
-Minimum one-year experience as a mechanic of trucks or a mechanic of trailers
-Driving licence B, C ,E or C+E would be an asset
-Education of a mechanic would be an asset
Those who are interested in the offer are asked to send their CV in German with a photo to [email protected]
We kindly ask to attach the following clause: "Wyrażam zgodę na przetwarzanie moich danych osobowych dla potrzeb niezbędnych do realizacji procesu rekrutacyjnego (zgodnie z ustawą z dnia 29.08.1997 r. o ochronie danych osobowych, Dz. U. 1997 nr 133 poz. 883 z późniejszymi zmianami."